Dear Church Family,
I hope this weekend’s letter find’s you well. I am writing this after returning from Chelmsford Cathedral for the 3rd weekend in a row. Today a group of us gathered to celebrate Lay Ministry within the Diocese and to see Bishop Guli pray for and affirm groups of people who have completed various courses and times of training in order to serve in their parishes as preachers, evangelists, pastoral assistants and spiritual companions. And of course, we were especially proud and thankful that our very own Sheryl Dyson and Chris Thomas were among those being prayed for and congratulated today.

Sheryl has completed a two-year programme to train as a Pastoral Assistant. She is now serving on the parish Pastoral Team led by Tino To and we look forward to seeing how her role develops in what is a strong and gifted team. You can often find her in the Daily Bread Café – available alongside other members of the team to listen to, chat with and pray for anyone who comes through the doors. Sheryl and I (alongside Carol Fulcher) are hoping to restart some of the ministry to the parish nursing homes in the next year.
Chris has now completed her training to become a Spiritual Companion – sometimes referred to as a Spiritual Director. This is a role that allows Chris to offer advice and direction to individuals in order to help them grow in faith, prayer and to discern their walk with Christ. You don’t need me to tell you that this is role Chris is ideal for – she is wise, patient, kind and an attentive listener (which is one of the key parts of being a Spiritual Companion).

You will also have seen (or at least heard) that Lisa Whymark was ordained as a Deacon on Saturday 11th September. Her first week as a “Rev” was a good one – busy and joyful. She served her first Holy Communion last week as a Deacon, took the Wednesday morning worship in All Saints School alongside her day-to-day commitments at Daily Bread. Throw in Morning Prayer, a PCC and a meeting or 2 with the Rector and Rooted Community and it’s fair to say Lisa is probably tired! We look forward to hearing her preach at both services tomorrow morning.

Do remember that the parish quiet day is takes place this Tuesday (21st) from 9.30am. Bring your own lunch. Please let Chris Thomas know you are attending: or 01277 210862.
We are down to the last handful of tickets for the Music Concert on Saturday 25th September. Book via the website –
We’re expecting over 150 people in attendance.
And finally, remember to email me ( if you would like to reserve your seat for the Harvest Supper Pie and Mash Quiz Night on Saturday 2nd October. £10 per ticket – we have 8 spaces remaining!
With every blessing,