Dear Sisters and Brothers,
Continuing with publishing a blog post each week for the Sunday services please see details below.
As previously mentioned this is to improve both our comms and environmental impact, we hope to carry on with a small weekly update that includes the notice sheet into your inbox ahead of the Sunday service. Ideally, as many of you as possible will be happy to receive your pew sheet in this form and we can save on printing and paper costs/use in the coming months. Of course, we will still provide printed sheets for those in the parish who require them and rely on them being delivered to them each week.
Sunday Morning:
Our readings for the 6th Sunday after Trinity are:
Collect Prayer:
Merciful God,
you have prepared for those who love you
such good things as pass our understanding:
pour into our hearts such love toward you
that we, loving you in all things and above all things,
may obtain your promises,
which exceed all that we can desire;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion Prayer:
God of our pilgrimage,
you have led us to the living water:
refresh and sustain us
as we go forward on our journey,
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Upcoming Dates
This week:
Sunday 16th July – Sixth After Trinity
Holy Communion will be live-streamed at 9.30am from St Peter’s on
9.30am: St. Peter’s Holy Communion
11.15am: All Saints’ Morning Prayer
7.00pm: St. Peter’s Summer Praise
Monday - Saturday
10.00 -12 midday
Food Hub Collection at St Peter’s
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
9.00am Morning Prayer on Facebook
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
9.30-12.30 Daily Bread Café
9.30am Holy Communion at All Saints.
7.00pm Bible Study
PCC Meeting at All Saints
School Leaver's Service
Next Sunday: 23rd July – Seventh After Trinity
9.30am Holy Communion at St. Peter’s
11.15am Morning Prayer at All Saints'
Food Hub
Our food hub shelves are looking rather empty at the moment.
Any contributions of non-perishable foods would be very greatly appreciated. Please drop any non-perishable items into the shopping trolley inside St Peter's porch on Sunday mornings. Thank you.
Parish Giving
If you donate to All Saints with St Peter via the Parish Giving Scheme and have agreed to Gift Aid your donations, you can request an annual statement of your donations for the purposes of a personal tax return by calling 0333 002 1260. This will enable you to claim tax relief against your donations. If you would like to start making donations via Parish Giving Scheme, you can request information from the Parish Office or speak to Lynn Rae – PCC Finance Committee. Or go click HERE to go to the PGS website for Hutton Parish to set up your regular gift.
Thank you.
Fr Andy
CEW - Sunday 16th July

Coming Closer to God: Finding a Spiritual Guide or Companion Many people value the companionship and encouragement of another person as they walk the spiritual way and find a listening ear helpful. Spiritual guides have been trained to do just that and to help you listen and discern how God is working in your life. If this is something you might be interested in please pick up one of the leaflets at the back of the church which will give you some information or speak to me in private if you are unsure. Chris Thomas LLM.
Quiet Prayer and Meditation
“Be still and know that I am God”. Psalm 46 v 10.
Join us on the 4th Wednesday afternoon of each month. 2.00-4.00 pm
Next meeting 26th July
Contact Us
Rector - Fr Andy Smith: 01277 514896
Parish Administrator - Dawn Shaxon: 01277 262864
Daily Bread Administrator – Natalie Slater: 01277 262864
Associate Priest - Fr Tony Baxter:
Parish Curate/Daily Bread – Revd. Lisa Whymark: 07795 966453
Parish Curate – Revd. Sue Goldsmith: 07779 121069
Parish Deacon/Rooted Community - Revd. Deacon Alice Smith: 07729 399009
With every blessing,