Dear Church Family,
Unfortunately, for the second year running, we are unable to celebrate Mothering Sunday in the traditional way in church, and I am sure we especially miss seeing the children from Children’s Church showing their love by giving out fresh daffodils to the ladies during the Mothering Sunday services.
Since the outbreak of Covid 19, people have been living under fear, anxieties, and uncertainties. Hugs and kisses have suddenly become weapons, and not visiting parents and friends has become an act of love during the lockdown. Many aspects of life and our usual lifestyle have had to change. But although the world seems to have changed so much, the love of a mother never changes.

So, what is a mother’s love? I still remember that when I was a child, I was really scared of my mother (maybe I was such a naughty child that I needed disciplining constantly!) Only when I was much older did I realise that her strict discipline was maintained because she loved me and didn’t want me to go off the rails. She sacrificed her time to bring me up, and she forgave me when I stepped out of line, disobeyed, and argued with her. She never stopped loving me, even when what I did was wrong or disappointed her.
There are so many sacrifices that mothers make. They give up their time, energy, sleep, freedom, finances, perhaps their careers, and so on. And mothers always have it in their hearts to forgive their children. Mothers never expect their sacrifices to be repaid because they love their children, and this love is totally unconditional – a love without conditions or limitations. Just like our Heavenly Father loves us: “God proves His love to us in that while we still were sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). Despite how bad we are, God uses this “unconditional and sacrificial love” to love us. As Easter approaches, let’s bring ourselves back to the foot of the Cross. When we look up and see Jesus, there we will realise what was meant by “unconditional love”.
In (Psalm 139:13, 14), David says, “For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”
This reminds us of how God creates us in such details and in His own image, with His “unconditional love”. The original source of a mother’s love comes from the Creator, our Heavenly Father who reveals His love through His only Son Christ Jesus our Lord. “We love, because God first loved us.” (1 John 4:19). And in Isaiah 66:13 the Lord says, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you…” When we can relate a mother’s love to God’s love, then we are able to use this motherly love to love others as Jesus has loved us.

Earthly mothers and fathers are a gift and blessing from God. As we have received God’s unconditional love and grace, let us also share this Good News with others. During the pandemic, the Daily Bread Team in our church has set a wonderful example for sharing God’s love by helping and giving out food and necessities to the poor, the vulnerable, and those who are in need. Let us put God’s love into action and lead by the Spirit through Christ to live out His love to our neighbours, friends, and family. As Paul says, “For the love of Christ urges us on….” (2 Corinthians 5:14).
As Fr Andy mentioned last week, we are looking forward to reopening the churches in Holy Week. Congregations will be welcome on the following dates:
Maundy Thursday (1st April)
Holy Communion followed by the Stripping of the Altar and a short vigil.
7pm at St Peter’s (and live on Facebook).
Good Friday (2nd April)
Tenebrae Service. A service of music and readings for Good Friday.
2pm at All Saints.
Easter Sunday (4th April)
Holy Communion for the whole family – 9.30am at St Peters (and live on Facebook).
Holy Communion – 11.15am at All Saints.
Prayer and Praise. Contemporary worship for Easter – 7pm at St Peter’s.
After Church Zoom Coffee
Please do join us for coffee after the Sunday Morning Service on Zoom.
The details to enter into the Zoom app, or on the Zoom website ( are
Meeting ID: 838 5492 4560 Password: nicecuppa
Lent Collection 2021
We have a long tradition of collecting for a specific charity each year during Lent. This year we are supporting the work of the Church Mission Society (CMS) and their 2021 Lent Appeal: Lead us not into Temptation. The project is focused on helping to rehabilitate children and young people who have had no choice but to get involved with gangs in places like Honduras. You can find out more by visiting the CMS website.
To donate simply deliver cash or cheques to the Parish Office or setup and bank transfer marked as “CMS Lent.”
Please do try and join us on Facebook for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.30am and for Morning Prayer at 9am, Tuesdays to Fridays. We also offer Evening Prayer at 6pm on Thursday Evenings. Go to to join in.
This week's pew sheet can be downloaded here:
With every blessing,
Tino To