Dear Church Family,
Although you may have been able to watch the live-streamed services, we know that many of you have missed coming to the Church building and participating in Holy Communion.
We are delighted that we are able to open St Peter’s Church this Sunday 2nd August, at 9.30am to a wider congregation. We will also be opening All Saint’s Church on Wednesday 5th August at 9.30am for a service of Holy Communion. This pattern of Sunday and Wednesday services will continue throughout August. We will be operating on a first-come-first-served basis.
The safety of worshippers, when we gather, must be our priority, and we must observe the Church of England’s guidelines. We have carried out our own risk assessments to ensure we have done everything we can to keep you safe. Social distancing rules mean that we must limit the size of the congregation in each building. We, therefore, must stipulate that:
1. Those in the severe “at-risk” category do not attend at this time.
2. Those of you who are over 70 seriously consider whether you need to attend. We encourage you to continue participating in live-streamed services.
3. You must not attend more than one service in a week, i.e. you may not go to the Wednesday service at All Saints’ and then to the Sunday Eucharist at St. Peter’s.
4. There will be no Children’s Church or Creche in August. We will have new Children’s Church provision in September, but families are welcome to attend within these guidelines.
Please note: if we reach our maximum number of permitted people within the building, you will not be able to enter.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Those of you who have participated in a streamed service will have seen some of the steps we have taken to maintain safety and we ask you to adhere to the following:
1. Masks should be worn when entering and leaving the building.
2. We will provide hand gel that must be used when entering the building.
3. There is a Register for recording your details for Track and Trace purposes. Use a new biro and then place it in the “used” box when you have finished with it.
4. A Churchwarden or Sides-person will show you to your seat. Please go straight to the seat, filling from the front. Please remain there for the duration of the Service, apart from when receiving Holy Communion.
5. All service books and notice sheets will be placed on seats ahead of the service and should remain there when you leave.
Other things to note:
During the service, you will be able to join in the spoken responses.
Singing is only permitted by one person during the service – this will be the music leader or a member of the choir. The Wednesday service at All Saints’ has no music at all.
No collection will be taken during the service, but we would encourage you to make a donation using the contactless card machine on your way into St Peter’s. Envelopes with cash or cheques can be dropped into the plate near the back of either church.
Holy Communion will be administered in one kind. Do not get up until the person or family group before you have resumed their seat. Go to the altar, along with any members of your household, after using the hand-gel provided near the front of the church to receive. If you are attending at All Saints’, please follow the one-way system around the building.
We are not able to offer refreshments at this time and we encourage you to leave the building promptly after the service to minimise any face-to-face conversations.
We are sorry that there are so many rules and restrictions, but we are sure that you understand that safety must be our priority. We look forward to seeing you and worshipping together after the many weeks apart.
With every blessing,