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Writer's pictureRevd Andy Smith

School's Out!

Dear Church Family,

This week has been very much focussed on the end of the school term for those of us involved in education. I’ve often thought of Hutton All Saints’ school as the engine of our parish and I’m grateful to Mrs. Manookian and the whole team who work so hard on behalf of the children whilst keeping our Christian values at the centre of the school’s operations. I have missed all the usual fun and milestones in these past few months - the weekly worship, Prayer Space Days, regular services at St Peter’s, including the post-Easter Confirmations and our termly Eucharist. These are the high points in a term, from my point of view, and that is before I think about conversations with the staff, chatting with the pupils on the playground, attending governors meetings (yes, really!), as well as seeing the youth group on a Sunday evening – the majority of whom either attend or have attended the school.

As a governor at Hutton All Saints, I would like to formally thank every member of staff who has worked wonders over the last term in the most challenging of times. This has involved looking after Key Worker children, teaching the pupils whilst they were at home, teaching some of the pupils when they came back to school, cleaning the school, planning for the September return, giving the Year 6 students a decent send-off after all they had lost out on, phoning every pupil at home on a weekly basis and working through the school holidays. What an amazing effort by such a dedicated, hard-working, and flexible team! I will be praying for everyone involved in our school over the summer; that they all find the time for some well-deserved rest and refreshment.

I was able to join Rooted Community’s online gathering last Thursday evening, sharing some thoughts on Ephesians 2:11-22 with the group. The passage talks about how both Jewish and Gentile (non-Jewish) believers came to be part of the same church in Jesus Christ. It offers each of us a reminder that at some point in our life, we did not know Christ, but because of what God has done through Him, we are now new creations – a transformed people. Verses 19-22 conclude the passage:

19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

This is another reminder that we are now so close to God, that His very Spirit lives within us. And, as we thought about during our worship on St Peter’s day, we are built around the living ‘Cornerstone’, Jesus Christ himself – turning us into a new, living temple.

Please do have a read through Ephesians 2 this week and reflect on the ways Christ has transformed your life. Maybe you could discuss this with someone else – sharing our individual story can help build up faith in others. As I mentioned in last week’s letter, we all have something worth sharing!

Lastly, a huge thank you to the 59 people who completed the questionnaire. I will be working through the statistics ahead of the PCC meeting at the end of the month. More detailed plans for re-opening will emerge in early August but until then, the following information is still valid:

August: Services at:

9.30 am at St Peter’s on Sundays

9.30 am at All Saints’ on Wednesdays.

September: Services at:

9.30 am at St Peter’s on Sundays

11.15 am at All Saints’ on Sundays

9.30 am at All Saints’ on Wednesdays

Until then, if you are able, please do continue to join in with the services online:

Please join Fr Tony as he leads this Sunday's service for us.The service book can be accessed here:

I will be heading off to the Yorkshire coast for a few days next week with my trusty trailer tent (and two kids!). Therefore, next week’s letter will be written by another member of the Leadership team.

With every blessing,


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