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Writer's pictureRevd Andy Smith

Simple Connection

Dear Church Family – you have a guest writer this week!

A few weeks ago, I noticed a post on Twitter that included the icon below. It is called, ‘Our Lady of Homeschooling while trying to Work’ by Charlotte Gibson, who is training for ordination at St Mellitus College in London. I have ordered a copy which should arrive any day now.

"Our Lady of Homeschooling while trying to Work" by Charlotte Gibson

It spoke to me the moment I saw it, reflecting, as it does, something of my life right now! I love the ancient and contemporary aspects that have been woven together, the background text from Luke 2.19 about Mary treasuring these moments alongside the peeking eyes of Jesus behind his scripture and Mary’s outstretched hand as she keeps his attention on the task at hand!

Obviously, it spoke to me because, like many, we’re working full time whilst home-schooling our two children and journeying through this lockdown with you all. I find it easy to wish the weeks away, to just keep my head down and get through, without taking time to notice the details, to appreciate the parts of this experience which are doing me good. Exhaustion feels ever-present and in that place of spent and stretched resources. It is hard to pray….or is that just me?

Using icons in prayer or as part of my spiritual journey hasn’t been my usual practice, but in the time that we have been back in Hutton, I have been introduced to, and stretched by, using them tentatively. This icon has been another moment of connection with this ancient art form and prayer tool. It isn’t praying to the icon, but it is allowing the icon to draw us in, to make the silence more comfortable, and to pray without words - just in my heart. As someone who is energised by both people and words, this has not been easy. I’m still learning!

These last 10 months or so have undoubtedly been a place of profound stretching and my prayer as we look towards a ‘renewed normal’ is that these encounters we have had with God in prayer will continue to guide us as we emerge from lockdown. Icons help us embrace the exhaustion of this time – there is no screen to manipulate, no moving parts to concentrate on, pages to turn, or links to click. We don’t need to speak or learn or respond to an icon and yet getting lost in an image with Christ at its centre offers a wealth of scriptural and sacred truths - and in the quietness of our prayers, allows our minds, and our hearts connect with God in a new way. I pray that you might find renewed ways of connecting with God too.

Notice of 2021 Electoral Roll Revision

The Electoral Roll is the parish’s register of electors. In the same way that being on the civic Electoral Roll allows you to vote in parliamentary and local elections, joining the Church Electoral Roll means that you can vote on Church matters, attend the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC. Being on the Electoral Roll does NOT make you a “member” of the Church; simply regarding any of the congregations (St Peter’s, All Saints, Rooted or Daily Bread) in Hutton Parish as your spiritual home does that! If you feel that you belong to the Hutton Parish family and would like to be involved more in the life of the church, then please request a form from either the Parish Office or from Christine Bennett on 07402 846811.

Hutton Parish Link

The Lent edition of Hutton Parish Link is now available for you to download and share with others. Just click this link:

After Church Zoom Coffee

Please do join us for coffee after the service tomorrow on Zoom.

The meeting will open immediately after the Facebook Livestream finishes (usually around 10.30am). All you need is the login details below, (these will be the same every week) and the drink of your choice!

The details to enter into the Zoom app, or on the Zoom website ( are

Meeting ID: 838 5492 4560 Password: nicecuppa

Daily Bread Church Family Meals

The team at Daily Bread are now offering a weekly cooked meal delivery for church family members. All you need to do is heat the meal up in your own home. You could also pray for the other people around the parish enjoying the same meal whilst you eat. Anyone can request a meal and let’s be honest: some days it’s nice not to have to cook!

To sign up for this wonderful gift, simply contact Lisa Whymark or the Parish Office and they will arrange this for you.

Lent Course

The course will begin on Wednesday 24th February at 7.30pm using our Zoom platform, and will run for 6 consecutive weeks, concluding on the Wednesday of Holy Week, the 31st March. It’s not too late to sign up if you’d like the book – just get in touch.

The Lent Course Zoom information is:

Meeting ID: 816 1760 9602 Password: steele

Please do try and join us on Facebook for our Sunday Eucharist at 9.30am and for Morning Prayer at 9am, Tuesdays to Fridays. We also offer Evening Prayer at 6pm on Thursday Evenings. Go to to join in.

This week's pew sheet can be downloaded here:

With every blessing,

Alice Smith

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